Summer Doubles Rules & Format
A. Each team can be made up from 2 to 3 players. Only 2 players can play in each section of the match (reference the Doubles Format section below and/or the scoresheet); however, players can be mixed & matched between sections. A team needs a minimum of two players present to not forfeit any games.
B. Each team will be afforded the opportunity to utilize 2 subs throughout the course of the season. You can not use a sub if you have 2 team members present. You can not use 2 subs in place of your entire team; one of the teams rostered players must be present and also play in every section of a match.
C. All other rules (in regard to game play, sportsmanship, etc.) are covered by the NCDA Rules. If there are questions, contact a Board Member.
Handicap Rule:
A. Due to the number of teams and vastly different individual rankings, we invoke a handicap rule for the Summer Session.
B. In singles games, the lower ranked player starts with the x01 score or number of marks for cricket, following the chart below.
For Doubles, the team-pair's averaged rank will determine handicap.
Use the Team-Pair Average chart below to determine each team-pair's value
The team-pair's values will determine the handicap to be used
The low team-pair value is used against higher team-pair value to determine the handicap to be used
Example: Team-pair 1: M & A vs Team-pair 2: AA & A
Handicap = AA vs A
C. To use the Handicap feature in DartConnect
Before the first dart is thrown, hit the “HC” under the name of the lower ranked player
Enter the score/marks based on the table
Hit Enter to begin the match.
D. When applying handicap marks, players are restricted it to marks for single open cricket hits on numbers 20 through 15 only. Selecting the Bulls-Eye or anything that would score points is not permitted.
For example: A player getting a 6 mark handicap cannot select more than 3 20’s as their handicap. They can select 3 of one number and 3 of any other number or even 1 mark on each number 20-15, if desired.
E. Handicapping for this season is mandatory for promoting fair and equitable play and may not be waived for any individual game or match.
The Summer '24 Season will run from 13 June through 01 August (7 Weeks)
Handicap Table

Team-Pair Average

Doubles Format:
1 leg of cricket against each player on the other team. (4 total points)
1v1, 2v2, 1v2, 2v1
Cork every leg.
1 set (3 out of 5) Doubles. 701 & Cricket (any order), then core calls (up to 5 total points)
Cork every leg; loser's choice after first game.
2 sets (3 out of 5) Singles 501 & Cricket (any order), then core calls (10 possible points)
Cork every leg; loser's choice after first game.
*301 is not an option for Singles games in Doubles Format